Friday, May 20, 2005


It is really strange but I was yesterday inmersed in a mass of rappers moving my arm as they usually do when something said by the singer likes them. It's true, I was there animated expecting the protagonist( someone who I'm used to see studying literatura de 4º), with my surfing trousers and!!really!.
I announced that folklore and English literature are not incompatible at all, ok, but the first step I propose is to mix hip-hop and folklore( not in the manner of junior...), and bingo! I think that you have seen very few people in a concert of that kind with a tipical sevillian fan...( I hope not being the only one, because that would mean an interesting mixture of cultures).
Apart from that it is interesting to comment the politics of the first rapper, who proposed within a love story to kill(literarilly) what we call "pijos" because of a surelly"cani girl", that is something that many young people hear and Tote should have revised before inviting them..I don't know...
to finish with this post, saying that my opinion is that you have to grow as a socialized person, so, it's not an advantage being of a reduced urban group, but being oppened(metaforically speaking) to everything, it is funny and an enrichment of your being, that is my advise....take it if you want.


Anonymous said...

la verdad es que me decepcionó bastante que el tote permitiese que un nota encima del escenario hiciese apología del asesinato, sin exageración alguna...jeje

pero bueno, el tote no estuvo mal...

y el momento en el que apareció zatu sfdk fue muy muy grande ;)

felicidades por el blog!

Rocio said...

hombre, la verdad es q supongo que tampoco tendra mucha mano el tote pa elegir esas cosas y el dinero mandara como siempre..
bueno, gracias la felicitación y por mencionarme en tu blog pekeño

Anonymous said...

Jeje, no sé, pero creo podríamos enviarle un emisario y preguntarlo... no creo que él sea el responsable.

Pero lo mejor es cómo la gente gritaba a Noam Chomsky... sólo tenemos que conseguir que la gente ahora lo lea.

Jajaja, Tote si lees esto, haz un HTML con tus rimas con enlaces a textos, seguro que seguimos educando algo más...

saludos de uno que gritó tb. ,)
magnífico el blog!

Rocio said...

lo importante no es ni siquiera que la gente lea Noam chomsky, empeZEMOS por que sepan quién es, asi como daniel defoe etc..
una vez sabido eso, luego a leer!!
gracias peter!